Organization & Program Committee

General Chairperson:
Professor E. H. Sibley, University of Maryland

Program Chairperson:
Dr. J. B. Rothnie, DOD Computer Institute

Program Committee Members:
Mr. C. W. Bachman, Honeywell Information Systems
Dr. D. D. Chamberlin, IBM Research Laboratory
Dr. E. F. Codd, IBM Research Laboratory
Dr. D. W. Fife, National Bureau of Standards
Prof. W. T. Hardgrave, University of Maryland
Prof. S. E. Madnick, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Prof. A. G. Merten, University of Michigan
Prof. H. L. Morgan, University of Pennsylvania
Prof. M. R. Stonebraker, University of California, Berkeley
Prof. D. Tsichritzis, University of Toronto

Local Arrangements Chairperson:
Mrs. A. E. Bandurski, Naval Ship Research and Development Center

Publicity Chairperson:
Mr. R. A. Wilmore, Applied Physics Laboratory – J.H.U.

Mr. Rolf Lang, Haskins and Sells