ACM SIGMOD’s Digital Symposium Collection (DiSC) is a premier source of information on data and information management research. DiSC is produced in electronic form (i.e., DVD) and has a fully searchable content index. Each version of DiSC contains the proceedings including some multimedia content (e.g., keynotes and panel discussions) of relevant journals, conferences, symposiums, and workshops that took place during the previous year. DiSC started in 1999. Due to difficulties in obtaining permission for the material that appears in DiSC, the final DiSC is DiSC 2011.

Disc Title Image DiSC 2011

Disc Title Image DiSC 2009/10

Disc Title Image DiSC 2007/08

Disc Title Image DiSC 2006

Disc Title Image DiSC 2005

Disc Title Image DiSC 2004

Disc Title Image DiSC 2003

Disc Title Image DiSC 2002

Disc Title Image DiSC 2001

 DiSC 2000 CD#1   DiSC 2000 CD#2

 DiSC 1999 CD#1   DiSC 1999 CD#2