The ACM SIGMOD Test of Time Award recognizes the best paper from the SIGMOD proceedings 10 years prior (i.e., for 1998 the 1988 proceedings will be consulted), based on the criterion of identifying the paper that has had the most impact (research, products, methodology) over the intervening decade. This paper is chosen by the SIGMOD Awards Committee.

Recipients of the award are the following.

2024 PrivBayes: Private Data Release via Bayesian Networks. Jun Zhang, Graham Cormode, Cecilia M. Procopiuc, Divesh Srivastava, Xiaokui Xiao [award abstract]
2023 Integrating Scale Out and Fault Tolerance in Stream Processing using Operator State Management. Raul Castro Fernandez, Matteo Migliavacca, Evangelia Kalyvianaki, and Peter Pietzuch [award abstract]
2022 NoDB: Efficient Query Execution on Raw Data Files. Ioannis Alagiannis, Renata Borovica, Miguel Branco, Stratos Idreos, and Anastasia Ailamaki [award abstract]
2021 No free lunch in data privacy. D Kifer, A Machanavajjhala [award abstract]
2020 Pregel: a system for large-scale graph processing. Grzegorz Malewicz, Matthew H. Austern, Aart J.C Bik, James C. Dehnert, Ian Horn, Naty Leiser, and Grzegorz Czajkowski [award abstract]
2019 Privacy integrated queries: an extensible platform for privacy-preserving data analysis. Frank McSherry [award abstract]
2018 Serializable isolation for snapshot databases. Michael Cahill, Uwe Röhm, Alan Fekete [award abstract]
2017 Fault-tolerance in the Borealis distributed stream processing system. Magdalena Balazinska, Hari Balakrishnan, Samuel Madden, Michael Stonebraker [award abstract]
2016 Provenance Management in Curated Databases. Peter Buneman, Adriane Chapman, James Cheney [award abstract]
2015 Robust and Fast Similarity Search for Moving Object Trajectories. Lei Chen, M. Tamer Özsu, Vincent Oria [award abstract]
2014 Order-Preserving Encryption for Numeric Data. Rakesh Agrawal, Jerry Kiernan, Ramakrishnan Srikant, Yirong Xu [award abstract]
2013 The Design of an Acquisitional Query Processor for Sensor Networks. Samuel Madden, Michael J. Franklin, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Wei Hong [award abstract]
2012 Executing SQL over Encrypted Data in the Database-Service-Provider Model. Hakan Hacigumus, Bala Iyer, Chen Li, Sharad Mehrotra [award abstract]
2011 Optimizing Queries Using Materialized Views: A Practical, Scalable Solution. Jonathan Goldstein and Per-Åke Larson [award abstract]
2010 NiagaraCQ: A Scalable Continuous Query System for Internet Databases. Jianjun Chen, David J. DeWitt, Feng Tian, and Yuan Wang [award abstract]
2009 Approximate Computation of Multidimensional Aggregates of Sparse Data Using Wavelets. Jeffrey Scott Vitter and Min Wang [award abstract]
2008 Integration of Heterogeneous Databases without Common Domains Using Queries Based on Textual Similarity. William W. Cohen [award abstract]
2007 Online Aggregation. Joseph M. Hellerstein, Peter J. Haas, and Helen J. Wang [award abstract]
2006 BIRCH: An Efficient Data Clustering Method for Very Large Databases. Tian Zhang, Raghu Ramakrishnan, and Miron Livny [award abstract]
Implementing Data Cubes Efficiently. Venky Harinarayan, Anand Rajaraman, and Jeffrey D. Ullman [award abstract]
2005 View Maintenance in a Warehousing Environment. Yue Zhuge, Hector Garcia-Molina, Jennifer Widom, Joachim Hammer
2004 From Structured Documents to Novel Query Facilities. Vassilis Christophides, Serge Abiteboul, Sophie Cluet, and Michel Scholl [award abstract]
Shoring Up Persistent Applications. Michael J. Carey, David J. DeWitt, Michael J. Franklin, Nancy E. Hall, Mark L. McAuliffe, Jeffrey F. Naughton, Daniel T. Schuh, Marvin H. Solomon, C. K. Tan, Odysseas G. Tsatalos, Seth J. White, and Michael J. Zwilling [award abstract]
2003 Mining Association Rules Between Sets of Items in Large Databases. Rakesh Agrawal, Tomasz Imielinski, and Arun Swami [award abstract]
2002 Extensible/Rule Based Query Rewrite Optimization in Starburst. H. Pirahesh, J. M. Hellerstein, and W. Hasan
Querying Object-Oriented Databases. M. Kifer, W. Kim, and Y. Sagiv
2000 Encapsulation of Parallelism in the Volcano Query Processing System. Goetz Graefe
Set-Oriented Production Rules in Relational Database Systems. Jennifer Widom and Shel Finkelstein
1999 F-Logic: A Higher-Order Language for Reasoning About Objects, Inheritance, and Scheme. Michael Kifer and Georg Lausen
A Case for Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID). David A. Patterson, Garth A. Gibson, and Randy H. Katz